Vaccine Information

Below you will find information on vaccines. As with any medical intervention you can never have enough information. These resources are not a recommendation or advice, but rather resources for those looking to make an informed decision.

100 Facts Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Vaccines

100 Vax Facts
2.4MB ∙ PDF file

Vaccine Secrets - Children’s Health Defense

Vaccine Secrets is a very easy to follow video. Children’s Health Defense has also broken it into chapters and provided sources for each chapter so one can fully educate themselves on vaccines.

An Introduction to Vaccine Safety - ICAN

Click to download/view the PDF for important information on Vaccine Safety.

An Introduction To Vaccine Safety
376KB ∙ PDF file

Vaccine Ingredients: A Comprehensive Guide

Vaccine Ingredients A Comprehensive Guide
2.55MB ∙ PDF file

Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?

A post from Marcella Piper-Terry’s Substack. Great information and resources for those seeking the truth on the health outcomes of the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated.

Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier
1.27MB ∙ PDF file

Vaccine Questionnaire

A list of valid questions and facts to research prior to making the decision to vaccinate.

Questions Your Pediatrician Should Be Able to Answer About Vaccines

Research for yourself and have these questions on hand at your child's next well visit.

Understanding Inserts, Liability, & Reporting

Informative slides on understanding vaccine inserts, the liability and reporting of injuries.

Vaccine Inserts

This site gives you PDF’s of all vaccines that are on the market and on the childhood schedule. You can download them and read through them prior to making a decision to vaccinate.

Just the Inserts - Informative Slides

Slides made from the Just the Inserts social media account. Locate the vaccine you are interested in learning more about and view the slides for in-depth, but easy to read information.

Vaccine Studies

Published scientific studies on the safety of vaccines. You will also find a folder containing the handful of studies that have been done comparing the health outcomes of unvaccinated children to vaccinated children.

Childhood Vaccination Schedule

Vaccine Exemption Information

Most states offer exemptions, either religious, ethical, and/or medical. Click the link above for a folder with resources and exemption templates. Feel free to use whatever you find helpful.

Vaccine Infographic

Informational Websites

NVIC - National Vaccine Information Center

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and advocating for informed consent protections in medical policies and public health laws. NVIC defends the human right to freedom of thought and conscience and supports the inclusion of flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions in vaccine policies and laws.

The Vaccine Reaction

TVR publishes original analyses, news summaries and opinions, as well as highlights articles, analyses and opinions appearing in professional and mainstream media publications to provide a mechanism for public discussion about a range of scientific, medical, ethical, political, cultural, social, legal and public policy issues that intersect with the topics of health, vaccination and autonomy.

Toxins & Vaccines - Podcasts - Weston A. Price Foundation

Podcasts full of information concerning toxins and vaccines.

Learn the Risk

At Learn The Risk, we realize that nothing will change with the system until more people understand the harm it is doing to our health. We are dedicated to educating and empowering people to step outside the system that profits off keeping us sick, then change will follow. We believe action is more important than words. We focus on educating and motivating people to find REAL health, those who then take to the streets to educate others and save lives.