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Thank you for all of this! Years ago, we really didn't even know exemptions existed, and definitely didn't know about the NVIC page. It's an absolute wealth of resources; and often contains not only specifics about legislation in each state (past and what is being considered) but also forms you will need, etc. It's a super resources.

A quick note on CA and NY - at the very least - I'm hearing a few other states are verging into this territory too. In these two states (at least), technically Medical Exemptions do still exist. On the books, per state law, you can use them. However, sadly, due to corruption, some pretty (I'll say it - illegal) difficult issues "on the ground" and in CA, the passage of SB 276 (which created a state "oversight board" for all ME's and also put some pretty strict limits on doctors for when they could even issue one) - Along with witch hunts of good doctors and many having their licenses pulled (again, monkey business) - Medical Exemptions are not just hard to get, they are unheard of now for school-age children :( We're all hoping that in the near future that is walked back, but unfortunately for right now, that is the case. So, homeschool is a good option. Private learning pods. Enrichment centers, but plan carefully in view of all state laws. HSLDA has some great beginner homeschool resources, including a CA-specific page. NOT all colleges, even in CA, require vaccines nor does SB 276 apply to colleges in CA, so at that level it's all about researching college-specific requirements, exemptions where offered, etc. Best of luck everyone and thank you again Kenneth for this wonderful info.

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