I'm new to your wonderful substack. Do you have any info on whether oral retainers will be giving off microplastics? In particular, the one I use has been built up in the front to offset clenching and grinding (so it's getting roughed up during the night).

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Hi! Thank you for subscribing. I hope my posts and information are helpful. Please feel free to share with others.

Here is a study that was done on retainers in regards to microplastics. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36603638/

It seems the findings were that they did break down and release microplastics.

This article gave different materials they can be made of and which is safest. I hope this information helps!


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Thank you so much - this was really helpful info. I'll be calling my orthodontist in the near future - chances are good that my older retainers did not use the healthiest of the options.

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