I could not agree more. Start with the easy things that don’t take any research - buy fresh organic food as much as possible. Avoid the center aisles in the grocery store which are loaded with ultra processed foods.

You need to get a good water purifier which also removes fluoride. This will cost some money but is essential. Do not rely on store bought water in plastic bottles - loaded with microplastics and other toxins from the plastic. There are many options depending on how much water you use. We currently use a reverse osmosis system which have come way down in price, take up less space, and are easy to install.

Move more, which is free. You don’t have to join an expensive gym. Walk outside in the fresh air and sunshine. Do some simple body weight calisthenics but start slow. Reactivating muscle not used for years will get sore. Starting too fast will hurt and discourage you. Don’t forget to work on flexibility. You will be amazed at how effective that is at combatting chronic pain. Later you can look more exercises online but there are a ton on them so it can be overwhelming.

Sunshine is essential. I recommend going barefoot in the grass to ground your body to the earth. I exercise barefoot in the grass in my backyard weather permitting. I live in the south so was outside today.

Good quality sleep is also free but very important. This is the one I struggle with most because I am a night owl and am constantly researching health related topics- like the importance of good sleep. Lol.

The critical education part is learning how terrible our sick care system is. It is designed to keep you sick as healthy people are bad for business. Until you finally realize how bad it is, it is difficult to break the habit of going to the doctor and getting a pill for everything. Learn about everything doctors want to out in your body. Vaccines are poison. Most pharmaceuticals are poison and unnecessary if you get serious about the things above. Some of the stuff above costs more, but so do doctors, drugs, endless tests to sell you more drugs, etc.

Don’t overlook your spiritual health. Find a good Bible believing church and get involved.

Okay rant over. You can do this and will be much happier and healthier for it. You and your family are worth the investment.

65 and pharmaceutical free for over 10 years.

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Thank you and well said on all accounts! Have a Happy New Year! Feel free to check out and share my other Substack as well. https://thegreatergood.substack.com/p/the-most-important-new-years-resolution

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I just read your post on your Greater Good Substack. Your writing is very organized, concise, and on point. Well done brother. May the Lord grant you much success in your writing in 2025 as you encourage your readers about the importance of physical and more importantly spiritual health. May he lead the right people to you who need to hear these life changing words.

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Thank you, I appreciate the encouragement and kind words. You again said it best, the physical is very important, but there's nothing more important than our spiritual health. Even if just one person is reached, it's all worth it!

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FABULOUS SYNOPSIS John K I couldn’t agree more AND I am a doctor(!) Some of us are awake( not NEARLY enough) too Warm Happy New Year Greetings from New Zealand

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