Any idea where to source this from, hopefully in organic form?

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You can find it in most states across the country, dig up and dry it out. Obviously farther from the roadside the better as many townships or state DOT's spray the sides of the road to keep growth down. Or if you're looking for it already done and to purchase there are many places to acquire it. A quick internet search for organic teasel root will bring you a number of results or if you have a health store near you they will most likely carry teasel root in some form and often have organic options. I just got a tincture of it from our Chiro/Kinesiologist and I know our local health store also carries a couple options.

Here is the tincture that I use. Their products are organic and wildcrafted in PA.


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Thank you so much for sharing your source. 😊

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Any time! Hope it helps

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