Many people today believe the narrative that vaccines have saved the world and are essential for good health. This belief is so ingrained that questioning vaccines often results in ridicule and dismissal. However, when we take a step back and critically evaluate the historical data, logical reasoning, and evidence presented by experts like Dr. Suzanne Humphries in her book Dissolving Illusions, it becomes clear that vaccines are not the heroes they are made out to be. Let’s examine why this narrative doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.
Improved Living Conditions, Not Vaccines, Reduced Disease
Historically, the sharp decline in infectious diseases like measles, diphtheria, and smallpox occurred before vaccines were widely introduced. Dr. Suzanne Humphries documents in Dissolving Illusions that factors such as improved sanitation, access to clean water, better nutrition, and improved living conditions were the primary drivers of disease reduction—not vaccines. For example:
Clean Water: The introduction of modern plumbing and water filtration drastically reduced waterborne diseases like cholera and typhoid.
Sanitation: Public health initiatives, such as the construction of sewage systems, prevented the spread of diseases caused by poor hygiene.
Nutrition: Better access to food and advances in understanding the importance of vitamins and minerals helped strengthen immune systems, making people less susceptible to disease.
Graphs and data in Dissolving Illusions show that diseases like measles and whooping cough were already declining by as much as 90% before vaccines were introduced. This is a fact that is often omitted from pro-vaccine narratives.
The Increasing Number of Vaccines Correlates with Rising Disease Rates
Over the last several decades, the number of vaccines recommended for children has skyrocketed. In the 1980s, children received around 23 doses of vaccines by the age of 18. Today, the number is more than 70 doses by the time they are adults. Yet, despite this massive increase in vaccination, chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases have risen sharply in both children and adults.
Consider these alarming trends:
Childhood Diseases: Asthma, autism spectrum disorders, allergies, and ADHD are at unprecedented levels.
Chronic Illnesses: Rates of autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis have surged alongside the increased vaccination schedule.
Logical Thinking: With advancements in medical technology, sanitation, and nutrition, wouldn’t we expect disease rates to be lower if vaccines truly worked as advertised? Instead, we see the opposite.
This rising tide of illness suggests that vaccines may not be the preventive miracle they are claimed to be. If anything, they may be contributing to the problem by overwhelming the immune system and introducing harmful substances into the body.
The Business of Vaccines: Profit Over Health
It’s important to understand that the vaccine industry is not a charity—it’s a multi-billion-dollar business. Pharmaceutical companies profit immensely from vaccines, not only from their direct sales but also from the ongoing treatments required for the chronic illnesses that often follow vaccination.
Unlike natural immunity, which is long-lasting and robust, vaccine-induced immunity is temporary (or the lie behind it all), requiring frequent boosters. This creates a perfect business model:
Vaccinate a population.
Introduce boosters and new vaccines for new strains.
Treat the chronic conditions that arise as side effects.
It’s no coincidence that pharmaceutical companies have no incentive to find cures; keeping customers dependent on their products ensures a steady revenue stream. As consumers, we must ask: if vaccines are truly about health, why do we see such aggressive marketing, lobbying, and legislation to force compliance?
No Legitimate Evidence That Vaccines Saved the World
Pro-vaccine advocates often cite studies and graphs claiming vaccines eradicated diseases. But when these claims are examined, they often fall apart under closer scrutiny. For instance:
Smallpox eradication is frequently attributed to vaccines, yet it was a combination of quarantine measures, better hygiene, and improved living conditions that eliminated the disease.
Polio is another example. Cases of paralysis labeled as "polio" sharply declined after the introduction of the vaccine, but many argue that this was due to changes in diagnostic criteria rather than the vaccine itself.
Dr. Humphries highlights how manipulated data and selective reporting have been used to promote the vaccine agenda while ignoring other critical factors.
Don’t Be Fooled
The idea that vaccines have saved the world is a carefully crafted narrative designed to keep consumers obedient to a system that prioritizes profit over public health. When we look at the evidence objectively, it becomes clear that:
Improved living conditions, clean water, and sanitation—not vaccines—were the primary drivers of disease reduction.
The increase in vaccines has coincided with a rise in chronic illnesses and diseases, particularly in children.
The vaccine industry operates as a business, not as a benevolent health service.
Logical thinking tells us that if vaccines were truly beneficial, disease rates would be plummeting—not rising. It’s time to question the narrative, educate ourselves, and take ownership of our health. As Dr. Humphries so aptly demonstrates in Dissolving Illusions, the truth about vaccines is far from what we’ve been led to believe.
Vaccines Didn’t Save Anything - They’re Poison.
Vaccines are not the saviors they’ve been made out to be. Instead of blindly accepting the pro-vaccine narrative, let’s focus on what really makes us healthy: proper nutrition, clean water, sanitation, and a strong immune system. By doing so, we can take a more informed and balanced approach to health—one that doesn’t rely on the promises of an industry built on profit.
Don’t be fooled. Do your research. Take control of your health.